Airstream engulfed in flames.
Wisconsin photographer Jeannette LePaul burned down her Airstream trailer this week. She was using a Canon R5 to livestream her editing process in 8K. 15 minutes into the livestream she started sweating profusely. At 45 minutes into the livestream she stripped down to just a sports bra and yoga pants and began drinking lots of water. At one hour into the livestream she noted through her sweat that her camera and tripod had begun to glow read. Shortly after the camera began to sink and the HDMI cord leading from the camera to the computer seemed to catch fire moments before the livestream cut out. Concerned viewers called 911. A matter of minutes later the fire department arrived to find Jeannette emerging from a flame engulfed Airstream trailer with a glowing red R5 cradled lovingly between two oven mitts.
Jeannette LePaul, last fall when she still had an Airstream Trailer.
Jeannette, pictured above, is rumored to be going back to livestreaming soon using her old 6D Mark II. When we reached out to Jeannette to confirm that she wouldn’t be using her Canon EOS R5 in the near future, she said, “To livestream? No. But I’ve been looking into alternative uses for the R5, so I wouldn’t say I won’t be using it. I plan to use it in shorter bursts in the future, but it has some uses immediately too. Currently I’m still waiting on the insurance payout to furnish my new living space, so I’m using the R5 as a makeshift hot plate. I can fry an egg in 15 seconds on it before having to turn the camera off and throwing it into freezer.”