That could be your engagement photo on the cover of a Basic Invite wedding photo guest book in the near future.
We wanted to take a quick moment from our usual schtick on the blog of just posting satire. Why? Because we’ve been paid to write a blog post and we love money. Anyway, now that we got that out of the way, let’s get down to business and talk about Basic Invite and their wedding photo guest book. Why is this worth talking about other than the fact that they’re paying us? Dustin and I are both professional wedding photographers. We’ve shot hundreds of weddings between the two of us. Basic Invite is by far the most used paper company that we deal with at weddings. It’s also our favorite company. When a client says they’re going with Basic Invite for their wedding stationery or guest book we breathe a sigh of relief because we know we won’t have to work to make it look good in photos. It will already look good.
But let’s talk about guest books for a little bit. I don’t like them, or I didn’t like them. I didn’t like them because in the past a guest book was another vendor. Or worse for me as a photographer who doesn’t want to sell physical products to my clients, it was something my clients wanted me to make and design. I don’t want to make, design, or sell guest books. I think you can see where I’m going with this, offload some stress pre-wedding to Basic Invite. Let your client know that the company that’s already providing them with beautiful wedding stationary can also provide a beautiful guest book for them too.
Look at how good this wedding stationary looks.
What else would your clients get by going with Basic Invite? Free wedding websites. Let’s take a moment to appreciate that this blog is on Squarespace and that this blog is part of a podcast and that podcast has talked about using Squarespace for wedding websites before. But guess what, Squarespace wedding websites, like this blog, aren’t free. Basic Invite wedding websites are. As someone who doesn’t like creating websites and thinking about their backend and how they’ll stay up and if I need to keep them running after an event is done… let me tell you it’s a relief to know that Basic Invite takes care of all of that for you. But I’ve strayed pretty far away from guest books and stationary now, which if I remember are the point of this blog post. Look, let’s just be honest. Basic Invite makes really amazing products. If you use them for your wedding, then you’ll soon discover this on your own. If you have photographed their products while shooting a wedding, then you already know this. So, do yourself a favor and recommend them every time a client asks if you know a good wedding photo guest book company or wedding stationary company. Your layflat photos will thank you.
Head over to to check their products out. Or find them on social media @basicinvite: Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter
*Photos provided by Basic Invite.
**This was a paid blog post (was that not clear from the beginning?). It’s also something we actually believe.