The Best Nikon Camera for Wedding Photography in 2023

The Results Are In!

Last week we polled 1000 Nikon wedding photographers to see what their go to Nikon camera is when it’s time to capture a wedding! Photographers from 6 different continents (fuck Antartica) all responded and the results are astounding. So buckle up and prepare to dive into this list of the best Nikon Cameras for Wedding Photography!

1) a7 iii with Canon Lenses

43% of respondents said this was the best Nikon camera and lens set-up they had found. Photographers polled cited that they loved the dual SD card slots on this camera, the amazing autofocus, the beautiful color science, the variety of top-notch lenses available (such as those pictured above), and a lens that screws into place by screwing right. We can’t disagree there, we like to get screwed right too.

2) M6 with a Nikon Super Coolscan 5000

27% of respondents said this was the best Nikon camera for shooting weddings. Respondents cited the cool vintage look and feel of the photos. Respondents noted that much like buying vinyl, using this setup increased their mystique and made them more fuckable, but also like buying vinyl, they were unsure what to do after the initial purchase to make it useful. That doesn’t seem to matter though as 77% of these respondents cited how easy it was to use whiteout to paint a 9 on the camera after M6. Nice. 12% of these respondents said togs could use any Nikon Coolscan, but why would a tog choose to be cool when they could be super cool. Hard to argue with that logic.

3) iPad

14% of respondents said the iPad is actually the best Nikon camera out there for wedding photography. One respondent put it best when they noted, “Jesus Fucking Christ! Would you look at the size of the viewing screen on this mirrorless beast?! No more squinting and praying that my shit is in focus. I can just tell. It’s straight up beast mode! Total game changer for Nikon!” We’d like to echo that sentiment. Nikon wedding photographers know when they see someone’s uncle roll up to a wedding with an iPad, that that uncle came to challenge their throne. Togs best recognize and step to with an iPad Nikon camera of their own.

4) Pronto 600

9% of respondents favored the Pronto 600. Respondents noted that this camera fucks. Togs slap that shutter button and whirr, whirrr, whirr! A print of the image the tog just took pops out the front of the camera. Well, a white piece of glossy paper pops out the front. After a few seconds though the colors and the contrast start to pop on that paper and BAM! Togs have got a print to give to their client on the spot, at the wedding. This Nikon camera brings that instant gratification that clients crave and reduces post-production by completely eliminating it. It’s not hard to see why wedding photographers think this is one of the best Nikon Cameras for wedding photography!

5) Zfc

4% of respondents listed the Zfc as their favorite Nikon camera for wedding photography. Amongst the reasons cited, the number one reason respondents listed was that the Nikon Zfc looks like those cool Fujifilm X-T4 cameras. Nikon photographers noted that if they just put a little piece of gaff tape over the Nikon branding then a lot of guests would just mistake this for a Fujifilm X-T4 and that’s neat.

What’s Your Favorite Nikon Camera for Wedding pHotography?

Sound off in the comments below with your favorite Nikon Camera for wedding photography! We know there are a ton of Nikon photographers out there each with their own criteria for what makes a camera great. Let us know if we missed any Nikon gems in our list above.
