Ep. #097 - How Can You Fix a Horrible Make Up Job in Post?


This week we're talking about photographers paying their personal property tax, Dustin selling his soul and working for a political party, Adobe telling users of CS6 they could get sued, and the biggest mistake a photographer could make. Also, the New York Times tells us how to do our jobs...


This week we're talking about photographers paying their personal property tax, Dustin selling his soul and working for a political party, Adobe telling users of CS6 they could get sued, and the biggest mistake a photographer could make. Also, the New York Times tells us how to do our jobs... WTF New York Times?

Beer Talk:
Dustin - Leinenkugel Summer Shandy
Steven - Negro Modelo and a Dorian Stout from Scarlet Lane (it was a two beer kind of night)

What Sony camera should I buy?
How do I get more Facebook likes?
How do I fix a horrible make up job in post? (facebook link for photos and stuff)

Adobe tells users of CS6 that Dolby could sue them, story on Vice.
Picture Correct tells you the biggest mistake a photographer could make.
NYT tells you how to capture a first look.

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Edited by Bespoke Tone. Go to bespoketone.com for all your photo, video, and audio editing needs.

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