Ep. #009 - Overpayment Scams

On this episode Steve and Dustin discuss overpayment scams, but first they start with a quick apology because they didn't have time to make a video for everyone. Then Steve's back on the Eirik Bloodaxe from Scarlet Lane. He may never get over being sick as a result, but it's so worth it. Meanwhile, Dustin's drinking a clear liquid. Then Steve discusses a recent overpayment scam someone tried to pull on him pretending to be an independent filmmaker, and Dustin also talks about the overpayment scam someone tried to pull on him pretending to be photo editor for the Atlantic. Dustin shares a story about a family member that was affected by an overpayment scam, but didn't lose any money thankfully. Then Steve and Dustin move on to discussing flashes again, and like usual the talk turns to Yongnuo. We can't talk enough about this brand. Steve and Dustin discuss their plan of action for shooting in dark venues with no windows, dim lighting, and black ceilings (your typical anus venue). Steve and Dustin talk a little bit about making art vs. running a business. Finally Steve introduces a new segment we're calling Crazy Questions from the Internet (until we find a better name), wherein Steve and Dustin answer questions people asked on the internet... or questions you direct message to Steve on Twitter or Instagram. Questions cover the topics of what to charge when you're first starting out, where it's okay to buy cameras from, and what are some funny poses for your clients to do.

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